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The Rise of the iPad: How Teens Are Responding

16 Jul

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On March 5th 2010 Apple released a new product, the iPad.  Leading up to its big release, there was lots of chatter and speculation as to whether this device would be as popular as Amazon’s Kindle and how it would affect various newspaper and magazine industries.

The Kindle was first to the market, and its inventors tried to sell books on it for approximately ten dollars each, trying to make these e-books cheaper than the average hard copy book as part of their business plan.  However, it turned out that publishers weren’t making a lot of money from the Kindle.  In late 2009, the Kindle was challenged by an e-reader from Barnes & Noble called the  “Nook,” which offered similar but even more appealing innovations than the Kindle, and slowly started to harm the Kindle’s business.

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Demystifying the SAT

16 Jul

Sitting in an exam hall, with a booklet of multiple choice questions before him, 25 questions to be answered in as many minutes, along with questions based on hundred line passages, the clock ticking by at a seemingly faster rate, Joe cannot help feeling stressed. Even the best of students do. So then, what is it that makes normal students who get As and A+s get less than 2000 on the SAT, and, moreover, what makes others with lower school grades score in the 2300s when it comes to the SAT?
Although Ivy League colleges adopt a holistic approach to admissions, one cannot ignore the fact that the SAT is indeed a very significant factor influencing their admissions decisions. While exceptions exist where those with stellar transcripts gain entry with scores in the Continue reading